Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My brain and my pocket book feel equally abused this week

I haven't posted in a long while because I've been so busy. I'm coming into exam time so other than riding all I do is study (except for last night when I watched Glee!! It is seriously the best thing to ever happen to TV!) Ponyface is doing well. We were in a jumping clinic which despite being on the coldest day ever and some lacklustre riding on my part, he was a total all star. The clinician liked him and said he was cute which totally made my day/week/month. It's really nice to feel validated some times, by which I mean I know my horse is cute, it's just nice to hear other people say it! hee.

So in addition to studying my brains out I am also trying to arrange to have Stormy trailered back to my hometown. I'm going home for the summer to work and save some money on rent. The only hassel is moving my horse. I'm bringing him back to the barn I work at in the summers and the place he was bred. It's a super nice farm and I love my boss/coach. She is actually my saviour right now because she is really orgainizing shipping my horse. I am eternally grateful for this because I am so busy right now just thinking about moving a horse hundreds of kilometers makes me feel ill. I am so happy that through horses I have met such brilliant people!

Also, my most recent woe is I had to fix some stuff on my car. It was really expensive. I thought my tax return would cover it but it didn't. It's times like these that make me feel like a shitty horse owner. I know if anything happened to Stormy I could go to my parents for financial help but this idea totally irks me. I am so proud I bought and keep my own horse through my own hard work and savings. I really skimp on my life style to afford a horse but I like it that was because I feel independent and accomplished and empowered. Running to my parents for money is lame + I feel this is my hobby, thus my responsibility. I start work this weekend though so I will be generating income again very soon. I have two more weeks till this silly school business is over so I just must think happy thoughts and eat Mr. Noodles until then.

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